The One Piece Calendar Project

Welcome to The One Piece Calender Project. Aiming to bring you seasonal art and fics for the year of 2025! Please take a look around.


This project will be a collaborative effort between artists and writers to bring you a calendar for 2025! Seasonal-themed prompts with favorite characters!The art pieces will be in the style of ‘polaroid photos’ that will all work together for each month. Fanfics will be linked to the calendar via a QR code. We will pair up writers and artists based on the characters the creators prefer. Example: A writer and an artist want to do Sanji for March [his birthday month] or two people’s top ship is LawLu!Cover artists will be working solo!We aim to give everyone something they will enjoy working on as a pair.


Will shipping be allowed?
If there is enough interest in shipping we will do a separate calendar for it.
How old do I have to be to apply?
At least 18
Is this a SFW project?
Do I have to apply?
No! Sign-ups are all that’s needed!
Is there a limit on sign-ups?
Yes, as we want to give everyone the attention they deserve.
We are limiting the SHIP side to 12 artists and 12 writers. [1 artist and 1 writer per month]Gen works we are limiting places to 24 writers and 24 artists. [2 artists and 2 writers per month]Can I apply for more than one role?
Yes but you will only be accepted for one.
Will this project be for profit?
Nope, 100% free and digital.
Can I share the discord link when I get it?
Nope! Anyone who wasn’t invited will be removed.
Will I be judged on content I create outside of this space?
Why is the timeline so big?
Because we have intern mods learning and this might be many peoples first zine/project.
Do I get to choose my month?
Month's will be randomly asigned!


We aim to accept almost everyone who signs up but we do have a few basic rules.+No joke applications [Just to see if you will get accepted, only want to apply as a joke]+No drama [if you are known for harassment or anti-pro shipper discourse or have anything in your profile that is disrespectful to others ‘pro shitters’ ‘kys’ vibes] you will not be accepted.+We are a ship-and-let-ship environment but not every zine will allow shipping, we will have general themes too. We also will have designated sections in the server for such content for you to avoid.+ Everyone who signs up needs to be at least 18 years of age. [Mods are all in their 30s]+ You do not need any previous zine experience to join. We welcome people who have been in 0 zines or 100 zines!+There will be no homophobia, racism, politics, transphobia or other such talk permitted in our projects our are servers.+ There will be no drama allowed in any project and mods have the right to remove people from the project.


Welcome to The One Piece Calender Project. Aiming to bring you seasonal art and fics for the year of 2025! Please take a look around.Mar 5th- Sign-Ups
April 5th - Sign-ups close
April 6th - Emails sent
April 10th - Deadline for joining
April 15th - 20th Pitch/Pair ups
April 30th - Outlines/rough sketch
May 15th - 25%
June 15th - 50%
July-15th - 75%
Aug 15th - 100%
Oct- Formatting
Dec - Will post the finished project ready for Jan 2025


NO AI works allowed. AUs are accepted. Reader x are also accepted for the shipping section. NO OCs though guys sorry! No crossovers at this time either.Writers
To create a fanfic along side an artist for your month. Your word count is 1k-3k
To create a piece of art that will match an artists fic. Fully coloured and rendered piece.
Full specs will be up in the server upon acceptance.All pieces must be digital.Both have to be on theme to the month you have been given [Halloween, spooky for example]